First-Up – client response training for administration staff

Administration staff are often the first people that service users have contact with at your organisation. If they are angry, upset, anxious or erratic in their behaviour, this can be very challenging for administration staff. This workshop equips and supports administration workers in their role of being ‘first-up’ for service users who present in person at reception or over the phone. Participants consider how to interact calmly and safely in responding to people who are presenting in a state of crisis, including how to convey empathy while encouraging de-escalation. This is a workshop for all administration workers who may be ‘first-up’ in responding helpfully in difficult situations or helping to deescalate potential crises.

Who should attend?

Administration workers in human service agencies who have direct ‘front counter’ or telephone contact with clients and members of the public.

Details Price Qty
First Up Workshop 08/05/2025 $385.00 AUD*  

* price includes taxes

  • First Up
     May 8, 2025
     9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Digging Deeper – risk assessment and family support work

Developed and delivered by Chris-Maree Sultmann who has trained in this area for over 25 years, this researchinformed workshop on risk assessment, developed specifically for Queensland practitioners, positions you to maintain currency in your practice with vulnerable children and families. Assessing risk and safety is central to supporting families in protecting and caring for their children, yet many practitioners remain unclear about the fundamentals of risk assessment work. The complexities of this work are many, as is the responsibility to ‘get it right’. Tensions exist where some practitioners find it tricky to integrate risk assessment with strengths-oriented practice, or to work together with families in identifying risk and building safety for children. This workshop ‘digs deeper’ into these questions, identifying the concepts, processes and skills fundamental to risk assessment and exploring how to put these into practice in family support.

Who should attend?

Staff from Intensive Family Support services, Family and Child Connect services, Family Wellbeing Services, Family Participation Programs, Delegated Authority and any practitioners from across the health, domestic and family violence, education and community sectors who have a direct role in working with vulnerable children and families or who supervise and guide others in this.

Details Price Qty
Digging Deeper Workshop 2 Sessions $350.00 AUD  

  • Digging Deeper Session 1
     June 4, 2025
     9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Digging Deeper Session 2
     June 5, 2025
     9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Making the Invisible…Visible! Child sexual abuse in family-based care

If you work with children and young people living away from home, this is a workshop you cannot afford to miss. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse established the very real risks of sexual abuse for children and young people living away from home. To protect children and young people in care from sexual abuse practitioners need to be aware of the dynamics of sexual offending, recognise indicators and assess the risk of sexual abuse, understand the ways children may disclose, remove barriers to this and implement prevention and safety strategies. Practitioners must know what to look for with sexual abuse and have an openness to seeing it. In this workshop you will learn about the dynamics of child sexual offending, typologies of offenders, the process of child grooming and four dimensions of risk and safety for child sexual abuse when children live away from home. Practitioners will walk away from this day feeling empowered about how to strengthen the safety of children in family-based care.

Who should attend?

Foster and Kinship Care Support Workers, Residential Youth Workers and any practitioner assessing, supporting or intervening with children, young people and carers in family-based care.

Details Price Qty
Making the Invisible...Visible! Workshop 24/07/2025 $385.00 AUD  

  • Making the Invisible...Visible!
     July 24, 2025
     9:30 am - 4:00 pm

First-Up – client response training for administration staff

Administration staff are often the first people that service users have contact with at your organisation. If they are angry, upset, anxious or erratic in their behaviour, this can be very challenging for administration staff. This workshop equips and supports administration workers in their role of being ‘first-up’ for service users who present in person at reception or over the phone. Participants consider how to interact calmly and safely in responding to people who are presenting in a state of crisis, including how to convey empathy while encouraging de-escalation. This is a workshop for all administration workers who may be ‘first-up’ in responding helpfully in difficult situations or helping to deescalate potential crises.

Who should attend?

Administration workers in human service agencies who have direct ‘front counter’ or telephone contact with clients and members of the public.

Details Price Qty
First Up Workshop 26/08/2025 $385.00 AUD  

  • First Up
     August 26, 2025
     9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Making the Invisible…Visible! Child sexual abuse in family-based care

If you work with children and young people living away from home, this is a workshop you cannot afford to miss. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse established the very real risks of sexual abuse for children and young people living away from home. To protect children and young people in care from sexual abuse practitioners need to be aware of the dynamics of sexual offending, recognise indicators and assess the risk of sexual abuse, understand the ways children may disclose, remove barriers to this and implement prevention and safety strategies. Practitioners must know what to look for with sexual abuse and have an openness to seeing it. In this workshop you will learn about the dynamics of child sexual offending, typologies of offenders, the process of child grooming and four dimensions of risk and safety for child sexual abuse when children live away from home. Practitioners will walk away from this day feeling empowered about how to strengthen the safety of children in family-based care.

Who should attend?

Foster and Kinship Care Support Workers, Residential Youth Workers and any practitioner assessing, supporting or intervening with children, young people and carers in family-based care.

Details Price Qty
Making the Invisible...Visible! 2 Sessions $350.00 AUD  

  • Making the Invisible...Visible! Session 1
     September 10, 2025
     9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Making the Invisible...Visible! Session 2
     September 11, 2025
     9:30 am - 12:30 pm